Which Features can you remove?
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XPlite and 2000lite give you the power to remove many parts of Windows, and only you can decide for certain whether or not you need a particular component.

A brief (very brief!) description is provided on the Add/Remove Tab and we are aware that people are looking for more detail on each of the options along with a recommendation whether to remove or not. We are looking to provide a more detailed reference resource in the future in both this help file and on our web site so that you can educate yourself on the various Windows technologies and make an informed choice for yourself knowing what you need your computer to do.

Until we have a detailed resource ready the best strategy is:

1.If you are uncertain: leave the component installed.  
2.If you are adventurous: remove the component as you can always reinstall it later if you find something on your system has "broken".  
3.Use the internet to search for more information. Microsofts knowledge base is a great start but there is a lot of information in the wider community. use the component name or description terms in your search.